Lotis, Lotus

Gender: Feminine

Origin: Greek
Meaning: “lotus.”
Gre (LOH-tees); Eng (LOH-tis).
The name is born in Greek mythology by a naiad nymph who inhabited and looked over the springs of Sperkheios in Northern Greece. She was changed into a lotus tree after evading the advances of the god Priapos. Later, Dryope picked a flower from the Lotis tree and in punishment, Dryope herself was transformed into a tree. Lotis is also the name of a species of butterfly as well as a lady bug. Possible nickname options include Lottie. The English translation of Lotus is also a possible first name choice.

4 thoughts on “Lotis, Lotus

  1. I love Lotus too! I like that it can be shortened to Lottie, but like you, I am not sure if I have the guts to use it.

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